Hosea’s Story

Hearts United, February 10, 2024
Portrayed by Devon Coker
written by Barbara Castro

God used Hosea’s life as a demonstration of how much He loves us no matter how far we fall into sin. God says “I am willing to pardon them for their sins. God asked “Can you trust me Hosea when you can no longer understand what I’m asking you to do? It takes faith in Me to obey Me when you can’t understand.”

God told Hosea that there is a void inside people, an emptiness, in those who are not filled with My love. He told Hosea “Don’t  just preach my law but also my LOVE. Just preaching love is permissiveness. Just preaching law is cold and judgemental. There is a standard that My love will help people meet.”

Hosea quoted his favorite Prophet, Amos, “Let righteousness come down like a flood and Justice to come like a river.”

God told Hosea to love his adulterous wife Gomer to demonstrate His love and forgiveness of wayward Israel. Gomer left Hosea time and time again. The last time she left him she ended up in the slave market.

When Hosea found out she was being sold, he went to the slave market and saw Gomer standing without dignity and beauty; ashamed.

God told Hosea that God’s Word has a creative power and reading the Word can transform you Spiritually, from the inside. He gives beauty from ashes… Restoration power. You can be “Somebody” and say ” You are my God!”

God told Hosea to buy back Gomer and love her again, to fill the places in her empty heart with the mighty love of God because

God loves you and forgives you because of the powerful blood of Jesus who died for all of our sins. We can be healed and whole!

God So Loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son who says “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.”

Yield to the voice of God! 

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